




When old and exhausted I pause to look back once more

a gesture of grace and acceptance of what was before

and no longer holds when letting go becomes easy to do

of everything left behind dismissing the what or the who.


And what roads will open up as I look ahead in my travel

with an open mind when new things and places unravel

and decisions made in history no longer feed me regrets

creating the twist and turns in a life that easy forgets.


What I leave behind doesn’t matter once I accept my fate

without the reflected shadows in the mirror that I hate

leaving behind all my shame of a life carelessly wasted

between the sweet and the sour that I willingly tasted.


Now I prepare my departure to the place where I belong

teaching the ones which I love to be right or to be wrong

and to embrace with their faith a life like mine before

when old and exhausted I pause to look back once more.


H.O. 1/23/15

7 thoughts on “Assent

  1. This is truly wonderful, Hector! The last stanza pretty much says it all ❀

  2. words4jp says:

    This is stunning. Today is my oldest son’s 20 th bday. I keep goung back in time in my mind – back on the day he was born and the twenty years following. And what the road ahead holds…..;)

    • Hector says:

      Thank you πŸ™‚ Mine turned 20 last summer and always do the same, still think of her as my little girl πŸ™‚ This poem reflects my uncertainties and fears as well as my acceptance of life as it is and will be.

  3. frequentneed says:

    Somehow this reminds me of a song that I will always feel like my father actually sang. He loved it as well, there is line in it that says “All I got here is a rear view mirror
    Reflections of where Ive been
    So you tell yourself Ill be back up on top some day
    But you know theres nothing waiting up there for you anyway” while the lyric is sad, I always know my father used his rear view mirror for me, to look back and then use it to learn me somethin’. πŸ™‚
    Nice and beautiful

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